2006 Hart House IV CUSID Fall General Meeting

CUSID Fall General Meeting

Sunday October 22, 2006

1. Call to Order

Meeting starts at 12:49.

2. Roll Call and Voting Rights

Executives Present:

Padraic Ryan (President)

Paul-Erik Veel (Vice-President Central)

Chris Sommerville (Treasurer)

Voting rights:

Cari Ferguson (UWO)

Shaugnessy Hawkins (Guelph)

Mike Pass (McMaster)

Ashish Sinha (UBC/Dal/Alberta)

Tay Hughes (EDS)

Brent Kettles (Calgary)

Steve Dickie (Queen’s)

Adam Coombs (Carleton)

Zac Irving (Trin)

Sarah Ingimundson (Hart House)

Vinay Kumar-Mysore (McGill)

Also present:

Kozo Ota (Secretary)

Mark Samberg

3. Additions to and Approval of the Agenda

Members wanted to have an informal discussion on a CUSIDnet moderation policy and scheduling under the heading of New Business.

Agenda is APPROVED as amended.

4. Approval of Previous Minutes

Previous minutes have not been made available to the membership, and cannot be approved.

6. Constitutional Amendments

A. Amendment to Schedule A for new full memberships.

John Abbot College have not yet not submitted the requisite documents to be considered for full membership at this time.

Both the University of Lethbridge and the University of Windsor have submitted the necessary documents to be considered for full membership. Since both schools are the only clubs on their campus, the membership decide to vote on both school’s together.

-Motion to amendment to Schedule A of the CUSID Constitution to include the University of Windsor and the University of Lethbridge. PASSED

Discussion regarding the inclusion of Osgoode Hall in Schedule A:

Kozo conveys a message on behalf of the Osgoode Exec. Osgoode students have different needs from the general undergrad population served by the DSY. Because it is a postgraduate institution members do not necessarily identify with the undergrad population of the DSY. Finally there used to be a separate Osgoode Debate Society, this is a revival of a previous club not a creation of an entirely new one.

Dash believes that the CUSID community should come up with codified criteria about multiple clubs in one school before deciding on Osgoode matter.

Zac agrees that there needs to be a code of some sort. From Trinity’s perspective there is a sense of identification among members which can prevent them for debating with others on campus. Wonders whether criteria would make distinctions based on Federated college status.

Cari believes these separate clubs should attempt to integrate which is what happened at UWO.

The membership agree to set criteria for multiple clubs at same school, and to pospone the vote on Osgoode Hall until such a criteria is created..

B. Re-numbering

a) “58. The membership has the power to enact, amend, or repeal by-laws, by majority vote. This power can only be exercised at a general meeting. Such a meeting must have been called for the purpose of considering such an amendment and the full text of the amendment must be provided to the membership two weeks in advance of the meeting. Notice of the meeting shall be in accordance with section 62 of this Constitution (NOTICE OF A MEETING).”

be changed to

“…Notice of the meeting shall be in accordance with section 63 of this Constitution (NOTICE OF A MEETING)”

b) “60 This constitution shall only be amended by a two-thirds vote at a general meeting. Such a meeting must have been called for the purpose of considering such an amendment and the full text of the amendment must be provided to the membership two weeks in advance of the meeting. Notice of the meeting shall be in accordance with section 62 of this Constitution (NOTICE OF A MEETING).”

be changed to

“…Notice of the meeting shall be in accordance with section 63 of this Constitution (NOTICE OF A MEETING).”


Kozo briefly mentions that a renumbering agenda item used to be standard at the end of CUSID meetings.

Both renumbering amendments PASS without further discussion.

7. By-law Proposals and Amendments

Tournament Scheduling Bylaw

A. “7. On dates where a nationally-sanctioned tournament is scheduled, no other tournaments may be scheduled.”

be changed to

“7. On dates where a nationally-sanctioned tournament is scheduled, no other tournaments of the same language may be scheduled.”


-Padraic explains the situations that precipitated this discussion was when UBC was investigating the possibility of running a French tournament on NorAms weekend, and in order to allow UWO to host an English invitational on French Nats weekend. The UWO situation comes with the approval of the TD and French Language Director.

-Tay is believes that this amendment can draw debaters away from French tournaments and might stunt the growth of a smaller French club.

-Shaugnessy believes it creates conflict for those who would like to try French debating. Understands that this particular situation is works out, and would like to examine each situation on a case by case basis rather than pass a blanket amendment.

-Dash believes that the problem of one tournament “syphoning” debaters would be minimal. From past experience the people who attend French Nats would have been there regardless.

-Ashish points out that the amendment allows more flexibility in the French schedule and allows for more tournaments.

-Shaughnessy think too many tournament hurts CUSID might not want to incentivize having more tournament.

The motion to amend the bylaws as proposed FAILED.

The membership agree to table an amendment that would allow case-by-case examination by the Executive at the next possible meeting.

8. New Business

Chris explains that the budget is the same as last year. The membership fee was lowered to $8.75 because the budget was to be split up between more clubs.

The CUSID budget was PASSED as presented.

Due to time issues the membership agree to have the discussion on the Scheduling Policy and CUSIDnet Moderation Policy in the President’s Forum of CUSIDnet.

9. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 13:17.

Posted in Meeting Minutes.

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